As we all cautiously emerge from the COVID-19 shut down, and as your company plans for re-opening your office, retail store, or other place of business, there are so many areas of business to consider and so many “what if” variables to contemplate it can be overwhelming. Does your small or mid-size business need help navigating all the unique issues surrounding the “new normal” of the office and work-from-home environments?
- How are you going to handle employees who are afraid to come back to work?
- Will you allow employees to continue to work from home, and under what circumstances and guidelines?
- What about employees who are concerned about taking public transportation to the office or to visit a client/customer?
- How can you best arrange and prepare your office to ensure safety and social distancing?
- Are you thinking about how best to schedule employee work hours and close public spaces such as the employee lunchroom, conference rooms, and/or pantry areas to maximize social distancing?
- What is your ongoing plan to keep the office space clean and disinfected?
- What is your plan if an employee is diagnosed with COVID-19 after you re-open the office?
- How will you manage the additional time off associated with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)?
We at Answer Human Assets (AHA) know it’s overwhelming and confusing to navigate it all, so we want to help guide you and your company through these unprecedented, uniquely challenging times. We have been working with our client companies on these complex issues & considerations, and we are happy to work with your organization as well!
AHA provides experienced, knowledgeable, personalized Human Resources expertise & support in a cost-effective way, giving you more time to focus on your core business.
Contact Sue Panzer at for details on how AHA can partner with you on your short-term & long-term Human Resource needs. Our flexibility and diverse industry experience is very attractive to businesses especially during this current environment.
Please check out our website at
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